Bright Data HTTP错误



HTTP错误协议错误编号404 or 502
x-brd-err-codeBright Data模块和错误代码编号client_10001
x-brd-errorBright data主错误消息验证失败
x-brd-err-msgBright Data详细消息和操作建议验证失败。 请到`检查您的凭据或账户状态



要查看和测试您的设置或解决问题,您可以在shell提示符下运行curl命令,并添加选项标志-v 。此标志将以详细模式运行curl并打印出标头字段,包括自定义错误代码和消息。

curl-v [其他curl命令选项]

To see a more compact view with the header fields response only use the -i option for curl:

curl -i [rest of curl command options]


echo "[tcp nc inputs]" | nc -C -v 33335
nc inputs may include “empty” lines, those are essential for correct testing using nc command

curl Command snippet

curl command snippet, with all required zone parameters is available in the Overview tab in Bright Data control panel for the zone you are working on.


Bright Data HTTP标头字段就像任何其他HTTP标头字段一样,可以通过您的编程语言访问。


HTTP错误 400

When Using the Data center/ISP or gIPs products with the -ip-x.x.x.x targeting flag, the error code 400 can appear in case the IPs under your zone has been refreshed, removed, or simply changed due to system updates

This error typically arises after your BrightData account has been recently suspended. An automatic suspension occurs if your account balance becomes negative. If the suspension extends beyond 24 hours, the static allocated IPs will be released from your account. Upon reactivation, the reallocated IPs may differ from the original ones, thus if the previously allocated IPs are still being targeted - this error is thrown.

Whenever this error appears, you should go to your Bright Data Zones page, and view the updated list of IPs relevant to this zone.

client_10060Proxy Error: ip_requested_not_allocated_by_customerRequested IP ##.##.##.## is not allocated to this zone. Select an IP that is allocated to this zone or skip the -ip parameter in proxy username


If you get HTTP error 407, this implies there is an error in authentication. This can be due to incorrect credentials or due to your account being suspended.

client_10000验证失败验证无效:检查凭据并重试. Bright Data credentials include your account ID, zone name and password
client_10010需要代理验证未提供代理凭据。 请添加凭据,然后重试。
client_10020账户已被暂停。 请登录激活您的账户账户已被暂停。 请登录激活您的账户
client_10030验证失败您无法通过此IP访问我们的API。 请检查您的设置,或将此IP列入白名单。
client_10040需要 KYC。 请访问并确保您已通过验证需要 KYC。 请访问并确保您已通过验证


client_10050验证失败:IP被列入黑名单 [IP]验证失败,IP被列入黑名单 [IP] 请查看以解决问题


client_10070没有协议原始请求中缺少协议。 请添加HTTP或HTTPS,然后重试。
client_10080没有目标主机没有目标主机。 目标主机缺失或不正确。 请检查您的请求参数,然后重试
client_10090您正在尝试将Scraping Browser区域用作常规代理您正在尝试将Scraping Browser区域用作常规代理。 此区域应通过浏览器访问。详见 请参阅,了解如何访问您的scraping browser区域。
policy_20010协议错误您使用的协议不受支持。 Bright data supports HTTP, HTTPS & SOCKS5 upon special approval. 请纠正您的协议,然后重试
policy_20020端口错误使用了错误的端口。 我们支持的端口:
policy_20130住宅 Failed (bad_endpoint) - Requested site is not available for immediate residential (no KYC) access mode due to the fact that %HTTP_METHOD% requests are not allowed. To get full residential access for targeting this site, Fill in the KYC form:住宅 Failed (bad_endpoint) - Requested site is not available for immediate residential (no KYC) access mode due to the fact that %HTTP_METHOD% requests are not allowed. To get full residential access for targeting this site, Fill in the KYC form:
policy_20140住宅 Failed (bad_endpoint) - Requested site is not available for immediate residential (no KYC) access mode in accordance with robots.txt. To get full residential access for targeting this site, Fill in the KYC form:住宅 Failed (bad_endpoint) - Requested site is not available for immediate residential (no KYC) access mode in accordance with robots.txt. To get full residential access for targeting this site, Fill in the KYC form:

HTTP错误 429

client_10110Your limited trial mode account exceeded the allowed rate limits. Add payment method to receive $5 credit and remove rate limits. You will not be chargedYour limited trial mode account exceeded the allowed rate limits. Add payment method to receive $5 credit and remove rate limits. You will not be charged