Find answers to common questions about integrating, configuring, and using Bright Data’s proxy products, including IP types, geotargeting, and error codes.
In bright data, a “zone” represents a specific product and its configuration settings. You can think of it as an instance in the context of cloud computing.
For example, you can have a zone for Datacenter proxy in Germany and you can have a separate zone for Datacenter proxies in France.
Every zone has a name and one or more password, allowing you to interact with it.
The zone name itself cannot be changed once it’s configured, so you may want to use an easy to remember name that represents what you’re trying to achieve. Keep in mind, that you can add a 描述 to the zone, and you can change that 描述 anytime. You can find it under the zone name at the top of the page.
The zone name is used to create your proxy username, which you can then customise if you want in order to control your proxies. Here is a sample proxy username for proxies in the USA - as you can see it includes the zone name inside it:
As mentioned, you cannot change the name of the zone after you have saved it - if you want to change the name, simply create a new with a new name.
Bright Data可以轻松集成到许多第三方工具中。 通常,只需使用您的Bright Data产品凭据来配置HTTP/HTTPS代理即可。 If you are using residential proxies, web unlocker or SERP API don’t forget to use the SSL certificate to ensure and to end encrypted connections.
我们为最常用的工具准备了详细的指南。 您可以在以下的列表中找到指南的链接:
BrowserScan https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/browserscan
XLogin https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/xlogin
GeeLark https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/geelark
Puppeteer https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/puppeteer
Playwright https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/playwright
Selenium https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/selenium
AdsPower https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/adspower
Dolphin Anty https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/dolphin-anty
Incogniton https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/incogniton
Marketerbrowser https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/marketerbrowser
SMLOGIN https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/smlogin
Hidemyacc https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/hidemyacc
OpenBullet https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/openbullet
Switchyomega https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/switchyomega
PhantomBuster https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/phantombuster
BitBrowser https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/bitbrowser
Maskfog https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/maskfog
Ghost Browser https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/ghost-browser
Postman https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/postman
NGINX https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/nginx
StablerSOLO https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/stablersolo
VMLogin https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/vmlogin
GoLogin https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/gologin
Windows https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/windows
Scrapy https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/scrapy
AEZAKMI https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/aezakmi
Beautifulsoup https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/beautifulsoup
WebHarvy https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/webharvy
Ubuntu https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/ubuntu
Lalicat https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/lalicat
Multilogin https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/multilogin
Undetectable https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/undetectable
Apify https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/apify
iPhone https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/ios
MuLogin https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/mulogin
Changedetection https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/changedetection
Morelogin https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/morelogin
Proxifier https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/proxifier
Texau https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/texau
Android https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/android
Kameleo https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/kameleo
Screaming Frog https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/screaming-frog
Foxy https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/foxyproxy
SessionBox https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/sessionbox
Insomniac https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/insomniac
Helium Scraper https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/helium-scraper
SaleFreaks https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/salefreaks
Postern https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/postern
Antik https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/antik
Easync https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/easync
ParseHub https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/parsehub
Sphere Browser https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/sphere-browser
Octoparse https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/octoparse
ixBrowser https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/ixbrowser
Shadowrocket https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/shadowrocket
Firefox https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/firefox
Chrome https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/chrome
MacOS https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/macos
ClonBrowser https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/clonbrowser
Octo Browser https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/octobrowser
Genlogin https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/genlogin
Web Scraper https://docs.brightdata.com/integrations/webscraper
由多个用户共享的IP。连接到我们由超过7200万个住宅IP组成的整个网络。使用Proxy Manager、扩展程序或原始API 命令,在国家、城市和ASN之间轮换。
分配给您区域的IP,是来自所选的国家、城市、ASN或邮政编码。 从下拉菜单中选择所需的参数。
要以特定国家/地区为目标,请在您的请求中添加 -country标志,
curl "http://target.site" --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-country-us: <zone_password>
Super-proxies are the gateway servers of Bright Data. Every request sent through Bright Data’s proxy platform passes through these servers, which select the best peer based on the request details and balance the load among peers.
In some cases, Bright Data may not be able to process your request via a peer, resulting in a super-proxy bypass. This means the request is sent directly from Bright Data’s gateway servers instead of a peer.
When a super-proxy bypass occurs, the response headers will include an info message explaining why it happened.
It is possible to block requests from being sent from the super-proxies when it happens, simply add the -route_err-block
flag to your proxy username:
curl "http://target.site" --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-route_err-block:<zone_password>
There are four types of IPs that we offer within our Datacenter Proxy Network:
高级IP (Note: no longer offered)
共享IP由多个用户共享。 我们在ISP代理网络中的共享IP分为2个等级:
Connects you to a pool of 40,000 IPs that consist of a fixed allocated range of IPs from every country available. 这些IP可以根据需要在含有2万个IP的池中不断轮换(可以在Chrome、Proxy Manager或通过API选择特定国家)
地理位置定位 - With a ‘共享IP’ IP (pay-per-usage), you’ll be able to control your geolocation targeting when you send a request, with the
flag. 以美国为目标的简单请求示例如下示例curl --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-country-us:<zone_password> "http://lumtest.com/myip.json"
Learn more about targeting different country targeting options from our Proxy integration examples page
There are three types of IPs that we offer within our ISP Proxy Network:
共享IP由多个用户共享。 我们在ISP代理网络中的共享IP分为2个等级:
将您连接到由1万个IP组成的IP池,这些IP来自每个可用国家的固定分配范围。 这些IP可以根据需要在含有1万个IP的池中不断轮换(可以在Chrome、Proxy Manager或通过API选择特定国家)
地理位置定位 - With a ‘共享IP’ IP (pay-per-usage), you’ll be able to control your geolocation targeting when you send a request, with the
flag. 以美国为目标的简单请求示例如下示例curl --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-country-us:<zone_password> "http://lumtest.com/myip.json"
Learn more about targeting different country targeting options from our Proxy integration examples page
You can find your IP list in the following pages:
Zone overview page: There are ‘Download’ and ‘View’ buttons below the code example.
Main zone table: There are ‘Download’ and ‘View’ icons under the ‘Allocated IPs’ column.
In both cases the buttons will do the same thing:
The view button will allow you to view, refresh and remove IPs from the pool.
The download button will download a csv file with the full list in
To integrate the proxies into your code, please visit the API examples page, which can be accessed via your zone’s settings:
To test your proxy, use the terminal command that’s available in your Overview tab for the proxy.
Copy and paste it to your terminal. In Windows, click the ‘Start’ button and enter ‘cmd’. In Mac or Linux, run the ‘terminal’ application. Then, paste the code in the new window.
If your proxy is working well, you will see text on the console with details regarding your proxy.
If not, you will see an error code. You can always paste the error code in the AI agent integrated into the dashboard to get additional details.
Check out a few examples in the API examples page mentioned above (just choose “other software” in the “language” drop-down menu), or check our Integrations page, where we have specific guides to integrate our proxies within the most popular tools across the industry today.
Important note: If you are using Bright Data’s Web Unlocker, 住宅 Proxies or the SERP API you probably need to use our SSL certificate to enable end-to-end secure connections. See instructions here.
You can control the location of your country easily for every request that you send. You can choose proxies by country, state, city, zip code and ASN. In this answer, we will focus on choosing a specific country.
When sending your request, you can make you Proxy appear to be in a in a specific country by adding the -country
flag, after your zone’s name in the request, followed by the 2-letter ISO code for that country.
If you use a third-party tool or application, simply use the username that includes the country-xx
in the configuration. In other words, in the box where you need to put in the proxy username, enter the full string, including the country parameter, for example: brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-country-us
- don’t forget to use your own credentials that you can find in the “Overview” tab.
If you use your own code, see the example below: We added -country-us
to our request, so we will send a request originating from the United States (“us”).
curl "http://target.site" --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-country-us: <zone_password>
If you use a third-party application in conjunction with the proxies, you can enter the username, including the country to software’s configuration.
Of course, if you send requests to the proxy using code that you wrote, you can easily adjust the username to target specific countries as needed.
Remember, you can also choose proxies by country, state, city, zip code and ASN. See this guide for more info.
Some zones will give you access to a big fixed pool of IPs from all around the world. In these zones, you may select default countries to target without specifying the country in the request.
After selecting the default countries, the zone will target one of these countries in each request. You can still target other countries by adding the -country-xx
flag to your request and override the default country selection.
Bright data has Datacenter and ISP proxies in most countries around the world, but not all. We are constantly adding data centres in new countries as they become available.
If you cannot find the country you are looking for in Datacenter or ISP proxies, we recommend you check out 住宅 proxies. Since residential proxies are based on real people with real devices, we are able to offer residential proxies in every country in the world!
You can target the entire European Union region (member countries) in the same manner as “Country” above by adding “eu” after “country” in your request: -country-eu
请求 sent using -country-eu, will use IPs from a single, randomally selected country of the countries below which are included automatically within “eu”:
Member countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
When Allocating IPs to a Zone, in the country selection section in the configuration UI, you can select the ‘All except CN’ option, which allows you to allocate IPs from all around the world while excluding IPs from China.
Note this option is available only in the following zone types:
数据中心 / ISP - 共享IP - Pay per proxy
数据中心 / ISP - 专用IP
In order to target a specific city you will need to use a 共享IP (pay-per-IP) or 专用IP proxy network.
Once you click on ‘Add city’ you will be displayed the available cities to target, for the selected country.
Once configured, you’ll be able to send requests from the selected city, using the following syntax
curl "http://target.site" --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-country-<country>-city-<city>: <zone_password>
When selecting a two-word city it’ll be written as one word.
To view more geotargeting examples, you may want to review our proxy integration examples page.
Bright Data在全球每个国家/地区都有代理,以下国家除外:
如果您需要来自这些国家/地区的代理,很遗憾,Bright Data无法为您提供帮助。
In your Bright Data control panel’s proxies page: https://brightdata.com/cp/zones
Go to the “Event Log” tab:
Date: Time and date of the request
Zone: What Zone was used for the request
Source IP: What IP the request was made from
URL: The target site of the request
Result: Success or Fail of the request
The 100% uptime was built to prevent any ‘external’ events from affecting the user. 此功能的原理非常简单,与上述两个问题的运作方式相同──如果我们的系统检测到问题(例如连接问题或IP的地理位置与您购买时的要求不符),我们会自动将您的请求路由到与原始IP完全相同的其他IP。
100%正常运行时间不会断开实时连接。 如果需要回退,回退将在下一个连接建立后启动
The 100% uptime brings immediate value by providing 100% connectivity and continuous high-performance level, free of charge and without having to make any changes in your code or how you work.
100% uptime feature can be turned on or off, via API.
Navigate to your proxy configuration settings, and under Advanced settings enable ‘100% uptime’
- 这可以通过在代理用户名中添加会话标志来完成:
brd.superproxy.io:33335 br-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-session-rand39484
Generate the random number on thread startup, and change it when you want to change the Proxy Peer assigned for the thread’s connection.
If an assigned Proxy Peer(exit node IP) becomes unavailable, the Super Proxy will return an error “502 - No peers available” for the first request and then on the second request the super proxy will assign a new peer even if you do not change the session ID.
会话IP最多可在1分钟的闲置时间内保持不变。 一分钟后,如果仍没有请求,IP将被释放回池中。
To keep this Session/IP for longer, send a tiny keep-alive request every 30 seconds, to prevent this session from becoming idle for over a minute.
This request may be anything small, such as /favicon.ico, or even a request that returns 404 (as long as the web server does not disconnect the socket due to this request). -
If you have multiple Clients and would like to ignore your Clients source IP (which is used together with your session ID to create a session), then you want to use a global session then add
as a prefix to your session:
Generate the random number on thread startup, and change it when you want to change the Proxy Peer assigned for the thread’s connection.
You can find your proxy address and port in the “Overview” tab inside the proxies that you configured.
To do this, click on my zones, then click the line with the proxy you need.
On the overview tab you can also copy your proxy list, download it, refresh your proxies etc.
Whitelisting your IP is a good way to keep your account secure, as it prevents others from accessing your proxy even if they have your username and password.
When you whitelist an IP, only that IP will be allowed to send requests to your proxies. Note that any IP can connect to the configuration dashboard itself.
Remember, the fact that you whitelist an IP does not mean you can access your Bright data product from that IP without your username and password. You always need to use your username and password when accessing your Bright data product.
To add IPs to a zone’s blacklist/whitelist, there are 2 ways:
Go to any of your zone’s settings, and click the “Configuration” tab.
Scroll down to the “Security settings” section, as they are both responsible for white/blacklisting IPs and domains, respectively:
Add all the relevant IPs and domains you’ll allow access to with your proxy zone.
IPs that should be whitelisted are your machine’s IPs that you’ll be sending requests with, not the proxy IPs in your zones.
We strongly recommend whitelisting your IPs wherever possible, since when the whitelist is empty, you run the risk of getting your non-whitelisted IPs temporarily blocked in the case where our automatic security blocking system detects any irregular activity. See more info within this video.
There is no limit on how many IPs/domains you can add to the whitelist and we also support ranges of IPs.
示例 for adding domains:
- 添加IP的示例:
Protocols HTTP
are supported by default.
Bright data supports SOCKS5
protocol, with a default port 22228 assigned for SOCKS5 communication.
SOCKS5 is supported for Datacenter and ISP networks.
See here for full SOCKS5 configuration instructions
Note: If you need to use SOCKS5 on the 住宅 proxy network, please obtain approval by our compliance department. Compliance approval is not needed for Datacenter and ISP networks.
Bright Data可以应要求支持其他端口。 Bright Data合规团队将会为每个要求支持新端口的请求启动专属的额外合规流程。
示例s of ports that require Bright Data compliance review before activation:
Go to your zone’s settings (it will open on the “configuration” tab by default, if not, please click it)
Scroll down to “advanced options” and click it
Enable “ports”
Bright Data allows targeting the following Operating Systems:
curl --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-os-windows:<zone_password> --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 "<target_site>"
If you’ve selected ‘按IP付费’ shared, or a dedicated IP type in your zone configuration, you’ll be allocated a fixed IP address. 您可能需要不时刷新这些IP地址,这取决于您的使用情况。
In order to refresh IPs allocated to your zone, navigate to your selected zone, under ‘Allocated IPs’ click on ‘Show allocated IPs’, check the box of the IP or gIP you wish to refresh and click ‘Refresh’
Alternatively, you can use API to refresh your dedicated 住宅 IPs or your Datacenter/ISP IPs
When using Bright Data’s 住宅 Proxy network, you may find the need to use a specific IP allocated to your zone.
- Send a test request with a ‘—verbose’ or ‘-v’ option added (this will turn on verbose logging)
curl "https://lumtest.com/myip.json" --verbose --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>:<zone_password>
- Locate the x-brd-ip response header and copy its value
Add the -ip- flag to your request, after your zone’s name and use the hashed IP value copied in the previous step
Send a test request, and review the response
curl "https://lumtest.com/myip.json" --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-ip-<hashed-ip>:<zone_password>
This feature can be enabled by adding the ASN parameter to your Zone configuration, under Geolocation Targeting.
Once the configuration is saved, the ASN flag can be added to the Zone’s credentials
and be integrated when using the 住宅 proxies. 例如:
curl --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-asn-<asn-number>:<zone_password> "<target_site>"
Note: Values for ASN number can be found here.
专用IP 住宅 IPs can be selected in the form of gIPs. They can be allocated under the zone’s configuration page by selecting a “专用IP” IP type and choosing a number of gips. 此外,还需要针对特定域名。
Once the configuration is saved, selecting “Show allocated 专用IP residential IPs” will provide
a list of hash values that represent group IPs.
这些值可用于针对特定的 gip。 例如:
curl --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-gip-<gip_hash_value>:<zone_password> "<target_site>"
长会话对等点让您能够在一段长时间内保持稳定的IP地址,以确保抓取操作顺畅和一致。 如果普通住宅IP的对等点意外断开连接,IP可以随时轮换,长会话对等点则不同,能提供连续会话。
只需进入一个现有的住宅区域或创建一个新的住宅区域,然后打开“长会话对等点”功能即可。 现在,您今后的请求仅会通过已知的长期对等点进行路由。
Note: This feature does add an extra cost for the zone when enabled
Our 住宅 peers’ pool consists of real users around the world who opt-in to use our product. As part of the opt-in, we utilize the IPs of these real users during their “down” periods as part of our ethical residential network. 启用长会话对等点后,您可以确保路由是通过已知能够长时间保持活跃状态的对等点进行;与普通住宅对等点相比,长会话对等点可以保持同一个IP地址更长时间。
持续的抓取操作:具有稳定性,能够最大限度地减少因IP变更而造成的中断,并最大限度地提高抓取任务的效率。 您可以在一段长时间内使用同一个IP地址,这让您可以进行长时间的抓取操作。 This feature is particularly useful for projects that require continuous data extraction or monitoring.
There are two ways to track usage:
Proxy Dashboard
Access the Main Proxy Dashboard here
Data Usage per Network: Shows total bandwidth and number of requests for each proxy product over the selected timeframe.
Usage Overview: Displays a graph where you can select timeframe, data point (bandwidth, requests, average bandwidth per request), and filter by zone, product, or target domain. You can also compare usage between timeframes using the “Compare to” option.
Zone Overview Page
- In the zone ‘Overview’ section you can view stats for a specific zone, with options to compare timeframes, choose data points (bandwidth, requests, bandwidth per request), and view additional metrics in a table below the graph.
When outside of China
Targeting Chinese 住宅 IP peers is enough:
curl --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-country-cn:<zone_password> "<target_site>"
When inside ChinaIn addition to Targeting Chinese 住宅s IP peers, targeting our Chinese super-proxy is also required.
- When using API commands, the proxy DNS server isservercountry-cn.brd.superproxy.io
curl --proxy servercountry-cn.brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>-country-cn:<zone_password> "<target_site>"
Select relevant Port settings by simply clicking on the port
Select Targeting and set China as the country
Select IP control: set Super Proxy location to “China”.
- 您可以选择使用以下列表中的特定运营商:
- 例如
互联网网站使用地理位置数据库(GeoDB)来查询用户所使用的IP地址的信息。 Bright Data监控并维护现今4个主要GeoDB的正确记录:Maxmind、ip2location、db-ip和Google。
还有许多其他较小的GeoDB,其中大多数使用的是过时的记录或有缺陷的测试方法,因此所提供的信息并不准确,或者只是用来吸引浏览者向其购买VPN或代理产品。 因此,在测试IP时,我们强烈建议您使用上述的GeoDB。
SERP API is the ideal product for targeting SERPs as it has a guaranteed success rate (pay only for success) with active unlocking, automatically chooses the best proxies, customizes headers, fingerprinting, solves CAPTCHAs, and more.
Scraping Browser is the ideal product as it is our fully cloud-hosted browser designed to help you easily focus on your multi-step data collection while we take care of the full proxy and unblocking infrastructure for you, including CAPTCHA solving.
住宅 Proxy - No, SERP API is the ideal product for targeting SERPs as it has a guaranteed success rate (pay only for success) with active unlocking, automatically chooses the best proxies, customizes headers, fingerprinting, solves CAPTCHAs, and more. Targeting Google SERPs from the 住宅 network will result in Super-proxy bypass, which will casue the request to be sent from our servers instead of the peer.
Datacenter & ISP Proxies - No. When attempting to specifically target Google through either of these proxy networks, your request will be denied and you will receive the following error message in the response headers:
HTTP/1.1 403 搜索 engine host is not allowed
X-Luminati-Error: Forbidden: This target URL isn't supported on proxy networks, use the SERP API product for targeting this URL. 您可以联系您的账户经理或开立支持工单,以寻求帮助
通过住宅网络或移动网络针对搜索引擎时,请求不会通过住宅或移动对等点发送,而是直接通过我们的超级代理发送。 这样做的原因是为了支持住宅网络和移动网络与浏览器的集成,因为浏览器可能需要从目标网站加载搜索引擎资源端点。
x-luminati-ip: superproxy bypass
不可以──在使用Bright Data时,禁止直接向主机服务器而不是向域名发送请求。
请求 using URL format such as will be executed using the super proxy server, not the proxy peer IP.
由于Bright Data非常重視我们的社区和对等点的质量,可用于发送垃圾邮件的SMTP请求会被屏蔽。 请注意,邮件域也禁止访问,对邮件域的请求将从超级代理服务器发送,而不是从对等点IP发送。
是的。 Bright data supports SOCKS5
protocol, with a default port 22228 assigned for SOCKS5 communication.
See here for full SOCKS5 configuration instructions
- 您可以选择直接通过超级代理执行请求,而不是通过对等点IP执行。 在这种情况下,请求的IP将是超级代理的IP。 You will need to add ‘-direct’ to your request authorization string.
If you want to use multiple countries and you don’t want to create a separate proxy port for each country it’s also possible to control the targeting dynamically.
长时间使用同一IP,目标网站会更容易将该IP标记为代理,并可能导致您的请求被目标网站检测到。 刷新IP将可获得Bright Data分配新IP,而不是使用您池中的现有 IP,这可以让您更好地控制IP池,并提高成功率。
This section is relevant ONLY if you are in China. 您必须使用我们的中国超级代理:
When using Proxy Manager: on Port settings > IP control: set Super Proxy location to “China”.
When using API commands, use servercountry-cn.brd.superproxy.io
curl "https://target-chinese-website.com" --proxy servercountry-cn.brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<custormer_name>-zone-<zone_name>-country-cn:<zone_password>
A residential/mobile IP are real users’ devices’ IPs, and therefore can be used only when the user’s device is idle (i.e. the device is connected to the internet, has enough battery power, and the user is not currently using it).
HTTP error code 502 means “Bad Gateway”. This error occurs when you send a request to a URL, but the URL’s server receives an invalid response from another server that it depends on to fulfill the request.
We currently do have not matching peers for your zone’s configuration, as they might already be in use with a different client, or unavailable for other reasons.
Request URL: SAMPLE_URL Request method: GET ***Status code: 502***
Super proxy IP: IP
Username: brd-customer-customer_id-zone-zone_name-country
Password: zone_password
Sent from:
Response headers
connection: keep-alive
date: Tue, 14 Feb 2023 08:49:16 GMT
keep-alive: timeout=5
transfer-encoding: chunked
x-lpm-port: 24000
x-luminati-error: waiting for selector ".price-container" failed: timeout 90000ms exceeded
***x-luminati-error-code: expect_element***
x-request-id2: REQUEST_ID
Request headers
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
HTTP 403 response code means you are forbidden from accessing a valid URL.
The server understands the request, but it can’t fulfill the request because of client-side issues.
您的机器IP未列入白名单。 In order to learn how to whitelist an IP, please review the following article.
The domain you try to access is blocked by Bright Data for compliance reasons.
验证码响应失败(与Web Unlocker和SERP API相关)。
The domain you tried to access is blocked by the Target host settings of your zone (check your proxy zone’s credentials)
< HTTP/1.1 403 response status was rejected
< x-debug-req-id: SAMPLE_ID
< X-Luminati-Error: response status was rejected: 403 Forbidden
< X-Luminati-Error-Code: http_status
< Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 11:11:23 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
< Keep-Alive: timeout=5
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
The 403 X-luminati-error (Forbidden) indicates you are targeting a domain that is not allowed by Bright Data
This can be resolved by contacting the Bright data compliance team for approval.
As the Bright data compliance team reviews your use case and confirms - you will be informed that access is been added.
For better handling, it is advised to add your account manager to the ticket and inform him as well for your requirement
You tried to target <host> but got blocked
Appears, contact the Bright data compliance team (compliance@brightdata.com) or from the ticketing system