



  • 在不被屏蔽的情况下从网站抓取数据
  • 模拟真实用户的网络行为
  • 内部没有解锁基础架构且不希望其抓取工具自动解决验证码的团队


优质域是 Bright Data 两层网站分类系统的一部分,这些网站比其他网站更难解锁,需要额外的网络解锁器资源。




根据我们的网站分类逻辑,此列表经常发生变化。 您可以在代理区域内看到最新的列表.




Once enabled, the premium price will be reflected in the “Estimated cost” section. Check out the pricing page to see exact numbers, but keep in mind these prices are usually for “Pay as you go” plans and you can enjoy significant discounts if you sign up to a package or talk to our sales people!

即使启用后,也只有针对这些域的特定请求才会按更高的费率定价。 对其他域的请求将按默认的较低层级定价。

Geolocation Targeting -country-country_code

网络解锁器 automatically selects the optimal IP location for targeting your domain, eliminating the need for manual selection in most cases.

If you want to target from a specific country in 网络解锁器 refer to geolocation targeting.

Mobile User-agent Targeting -ua-mobile

By default, 网络解锁器 uses desktop-specific user agents for your requests. To use a mobile user agent instead, simply append -ua-mobile to your request. 

Custom 网络解锁器

Gain enhanced control over your requests with flexible options to fine-tune 网站 behavior and optimize request handling.

By default, 网络解锁器 automatically manages all request headers, cookies, expect elements etc., to get the best known results and any extra elements that are sent along with the request are disregarded.

Custom 网络解锁器 allows you to override the automated parameters and send your own custom values specific to your needs.

Custom features:

How to enable

In the Control Panel, go to your specific 网络解锁器 zone -> 配置 -> Advanced Settings, and enable the Custom 网络解锁器 feature you want to use.

Once enabled, you can now send Custom 网络解锁器 requests in accordance with each custom feature’s procedure.


Unlike the regular 网络解锁器 billing logic, which only charges for successful requests, when any of the above Custom 网络解锁器 features are enabled, you’ll be billed for 100% of the requests (both successful and failed).

Since you are now in control of certain request paramaters, Bright Data can no longer take full responsibility for the unlocking process and its performance.


  • 我们不允许 Cookie 用于登录/身份验证目的
  • Adding custom paramaters to your request may result in blocking and a drop in the success rate.

Manual headers & cookies

Override automated headers/cookies and send your own custom values in order to target specific versions of a 网站.

Enabling Custom Headers & Cookies results in the following

Manual ‘expect’ elements

Gives you the ability to pass an ‘expect’ parameter along with your request to wait for specific elements or text on the page (i.e. expect.element, text, body).

You can configure this per request with the x-unblock-expect header seen below.

Add x-unblock-expect header

curl -vk \
    -x brd-customer-$CUSTOMER_ID-zone-$ZONE:$PASSWORD@brd.superproxy.io:33335 \
    -H 'x-unblock-expect: {"element": ".some-css-selector"}' \


To review your current 网络解锁器 CPM, navigate to My Proxies page, and review the Traffic column.


上方流量列中显示的数字是成功请求的次数。在上面的例子中,115000个请求等于 115 CPM,因此将按照该计费周期内 10 CPM 的费率向您计费。


您的网络解锁器使用量采用 CPM 衡量。 CPM 是1000次成功请求的费用,表示只有成功的网络解锁器请求才会计入您的账单。

请参阅我们的账单和定价页面以了解更多信息: https://docs.brightdata.com/cn/general/account/billing-and-pricing/payment



  • 默认模式“所有域”,在该模式下可以定位任何网站
  • 电子商务模式,您能够以低于标准网络解锁器定价30%的折扣价定位热门电子商务网站的封闭列表。



[domain_name 不是电子商务层级的一部分]


打开网络解锁器区域时,您可以离开默认的“所有域”模式,也可以切换到电子商务模式,在这种情况下,您的定价将降低30%,并且您将仅限于该模式中包含的网站。 点击“查看可用站点”链接浏览所有包含的网站。

Debugging 网络解锁器

Sometimes it’s useful to extract some debug info about your requests to understand what happened inside them in more detail.

We provide the x-brd-debug header for this purpose.

To activate the headers, add -debug-full to your proxy username.

Enabling debug headers in your request
curl -vk \
    -x brd-customer-$CUSTOMER_ID-zone-$ZONE-debug-full:$PASSWORD@brd.superproxy.io:33335 \

The format of the x-brd-debug header looks like this:

req_id=hl_d09913c7_a1lw123bkcg; bytes_up=2842; bytes_down=562418; billed=false; destination_ip=; used_req_headers=accept-language,accept; peer_ip=r868133f79d0c3fa9d7c7ccca0151af2e; peer_country=us; render=false
req_idThe internal ID of your request into our system. Providing this can be helpful in bug reports as it will help us see details on what happened in your specific request.
bytes_upThe amount of outgoing traffic our system recorded while processing this request
bytes_downThe amount of incoming traffic our system recorded while processing this request
billedWhether our system considers this a billable request or not
destination_ipThe IP address of the remote server used to fetch this data
used_req_headersWhich request headers (if any) were used in the final request. This mainly applies when using Custom 网络解锁器
peer_ipA unique identifier for the IP address used to make the request. This is mainly useful to validate IP rotation is working as you expect
peer_countryThe country of the peer that was used for the request
renderShows whether the returned page is the result after a browser rendered the HTML or the response body of a single HTTP request




404找不到页面。 URL 无效,这表明 URL 可能已损坏或失效。
403您尝试访问的 URL 有效,但您被禁止访问该 URL。
502错误代码502是网络解锁器用户最常见的错误,描述部分位于 x-luminati-error-code 下。
429此错误代码表示速率限制(罕见)。 在这种情况下,如果响应如下所示,则 Bright Data 正在对请求应用自动限制,您应该创建工单或发送电子邮件至 support@brightdata.com 寻求帮助(您可以在此处查阅有关自动限制的更多信息)
错误的请求,通常发生在 API 请求中,当标头或 Cookie 缺失时。
503HTTP 错误代码503表示“服务不可用”。浏览器检查失败或浏览器检查未完成
< HTTP/1.1 429 The request was auto-throttled due to low success rate  
< x-luminati-error-code: sr_rate_limit
< x-luminati-error: The request was auto-throttled due to low success rate
< x-brd-error-code: sr_rate_limit
< x-brd-error: The request was auto-throttled due to low success rate
< date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 17:07:19 GMT
< connection: keep-alive
< keep-alive: timeout=5
< transfer-encoding: chunked
* Connection #0 to host brd.superproxy.io left intact

Get Success Rate Statistics Per Domain

The following API endpoint will provide 网络解锁器 success rate statistics from the past 7 days.

The statistics can be obtained per single domain like example.com or for a wildcard domain like example.* in order to get statistics for all top-level domains.

Note: calling this API endpoint requires using your API token

How to get statistics for a single domain?

    curl "https://api.brightdata.com/unblocker/success_rate/example.com" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN"

How to get statistics for all monitored top level domains?

    curl "https://api.brightdata.com/unblocker/success_rate/example.*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN"