What is Bright Data’s API token?

Bright Data’s API Token is a secure method to replace your credentials (i.e. email address and password) when sending requests to Bright Data via API.

How to use Bright Data’s API token?

You can explore the different types of API commands and tokens types in the API documentation section.

Additionally, whenever usage of the Bright Data’s API token is required, our knowledge base articles state so, and provide an API command example.

Once the API token is generated, it will be presented only once! You should copy the API token to a secure location.

In case the API token is lost, you can always replace it with a new one at your Bright Data Control Panel.

How to create a Bright Data’s API token?

  • Go to your account’s settings

    You need to be logged into an admin account to create/view your API token.

  • Click ’+’ (next to API tokens) to generate a new token

  • Select User, Permissions, and expiration date (or set it to Unlimited), then click ‘Save’

  • The API token is generated and displayed, but keep in mind that you will not be able to view it after you click ‘Got it’, so copy it and keep it somewhere safe.


  • Click ‘Dismiss’ to accept the warning message


In case you forgot your API token or it expired, hover over the token row to change the token’s expiration day, refresh the token (generate a new token), or revoke (delete) the token.