SSL Certificate
The SSL certificate allows you to establish end-to-end encrypted connections when using Residential Proxies, the Web Unlocker or the SERP API.
If you are just doing preliminary testing, you can also proceed without the SSL certificate and use it later.
Using the SSL certificate is straight forward. You download it, and choose how you want to use it in your environment.
Download the SSL certificate
- Right click on this link to “save as” the file to your hard drive.
Using the SSL certificate in your code
If you write scraping code, in most cases, you do not need to install the SSL certificate in your environment. Simply load the SSL certificate in your code. For example, for CURL:
curl --proxy --proxy-user brd-customer-<account-id>-zone-<zone-name>:<zone-password> --cacert <PATH TO CA.CRT> ""
You can refer to Bright Data sample code examples in the dashboard for exact syntax.
Installation of the SSL certificate
In some cases, for example when using some third party tools that don’t allow loading the certificate from your hard drive, you still need to install the SSL certificate on your computer. This takes 2 minutes - simply follow these instructions:
- If you didn’t do so already, Right click on this link to “save as” the file to your hard drive.
- Double click the ca.crt file
- Follow the Windows instructions to install the certificate.
- Reboot your computer
- After rebooting, you will be able to connect to Bright Data product you needed (Residential Proxy, Web Unlocker or SERP API)
How to ignore SSL errors?
In some cases you will need to install our certificate or ignore SSL errors in order to get access to specific products or features. In case you are not interested in installing our certificate, you can ignore SSL errors. Check out the following code snippets for different programming languages, the highlighted part is what needs to be added to your code in order to ignore SSL errors.
How does SSL analyzing works?
Some features require the Proxy Manager to have access to HTTPS traffic. This can be done by enabling the SSL Analyzing option on the proxy port configuration page.
Once you allow Proxy Manager to terminate the SSL you will also need to trust Bright Data Certificate Authority (CA).
Under the hood Proxy Manager will create a secure encrypted HTTPS connection with the target site, decrypt the traffic to log requests and run rules based on your settings and then pass the response back to your client in an encrypted HTTPS connection with a certificate signed by our CA certificate.