IDE Interaction code

These are all of the codes that you can do with the IDE

input - Global object available to the interaction code. Provided by trigger input or next_stage() calls


navigate - Navigate the browser session to a URL

  • url: A URL to navigate to

navigate options

// waits until DOM content loaded event is fired in the browser
navigate([url], {wait_until: 'domcontentloaded'});

// adds a referer to the navigation
navigate([url], {referer: [url]});

// the number of milliseconds to wait for. Default is 30000 ms
navigate([url], {timeout: 45000});

// add headers to the navigation
navigate([url], {header : 'accept: text/html'});

// specify browser width/height
navigate([url], {fingerprint: {screen: {width: 400, height: 400}}});

parse - Parse the page data

let page_data = parse();

collect - Adds a line of data to the dataset created by the crawler

  • data_line: A object with the fields you want to collect
  • validate_fn: Optional function to validate that the line data is valid
collect([data_line] [validate_fn]);
collect({ title: page_data.title price: page_data.price });
collect({ price: data.price });

collect(line, l=>!l && throw new Error('Empty line'));

next_stage - Run the next stage of the crawler with the specified input

  • input: Input object to pass to the next browser session
next_stage({url: '', page: 1});

rerun_stage - Run this stage of the crawler again with new input

  • input: Input object to pass to the next browser session
rerun_stage({url: ''});

run_stage - Run a specific stage of the crawler with a new browser session

  • input: Input object to pass to the next browser session
  • stage: Which stage to run (1 is first stage)
run_stage(2, {url: '', page: 1});

country - Configure your crawl to run from a specific country

  • code: 2-character ISO country code

wait - Wait for an element to appear on the page

  • selector: Element selector
  • opt: wait options (see examples)
wait (<selector>);
wait('.search-results .product');
wait(<selector>, {timeout: 5000});
wait(<selector>, {hidden: true});

wait_for_text - Wait for an element on the page to include some text

  • selector: Element selector
  • text: The text to wait for
wait_for_text(<selector>, <text>);
wait_for_text('.location', 'New York');

click - Click on an element (will wait for the element to appear before clicking on it)

  • selector: Element selector

type - Enter text into an input (will wait for the input to appear before typing)

  • selector: Element selector
  • text: The text to wait for
type(<selector>, <text>);
type('#location', 'New York');
type(<selector>, ['Enter']);
type(<selector>, ['Backspace']);

select - Pick a value from a select element

  • selector: Element selector
select(<select>, <value>);
select('#country', 'Canada');

URL - URL class from NodeJS standard “url” module

  • url: URL string
let u = new URL('');

location - Object with info about current location. Available fields: href

  • url: URL string

tag_response - Save the response data from a browser request

  • name: The name of the tagged field
  • pattern: The URL pattern to match
tag_response(<field>, <pattern>);
tag_response('teams', /\/api\/teams/);

let teams = parse().teams;
for (let team of teams) collect(team);

response_header - Returns the response headers of the last page load

let headers = response_headers(); 
console.log('content-type', headers['content-type']);

console - Log messages from the interaction code

console.log(1, 'luminati', [1, 2], {key: value});

load_more - Scroll to the bottom of a list to trigger loading more items. Useful for lazy-loaded infinite-scroll sites

  • selector: Element selector

scroll_to - Scroll the page so that an element is visible


$ - Helper for jQuery-like expressions

  • selector: Element selector

IDE Parser code

These are all of the codes that you can do with the IDE:

input - Global variable available to the parser code

let url = input.url;

$ - An instance of cheerio

Find more information on the cheerio website.


location - A global variable available to the parser code. Object with info about current location

let current_url = location.href;