Bright Data API token is a secure method to replace your credentials (i.e. email address and password) when sending requests to Bright Data via API. The API token is required in order to use the API, keeping your account’s credentials safe and secure at all times.

Generate an API token


Sign In

Sign in to Bright Data’s control panel


Navigate to your Account Settings

Account settings page - Click on the Settings icon (bottom left) and then ‘Account settings’


Click on Add token


Set token expiration date

Set token expiration date (Or choose ‘Unlimited’), permissions and select the user to generate the token to, then click ‘Save’


Save your Token

Once your token has been generated make sure you save it, as it’s available for a one-time (view only!)

Once you’ve created your token, you won’t be able to view it again, however, you can still refresh it, change its expiration date and revoke it at any time.

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