Many applications (such as game applications), require their users to view a video advertisement at certain intervals, so that the game developer can generate revenues. This creates a particularly bad user experience, as it interferes with the experience of the application, wastes around 20MB of cellular data for the ad, and depletes the user’s battery.

Bright Data offers an attractive alternative.

When these application vendors integrate the Bright SDK, their users are offered the alternative to not watch these video ads in return for opting in to the Bright Data network. Bright Data only uses their device as a node on the network when it is not in use (so never interferes with the user’s experience), when the device is plugged in to power or charged, and always prefers WiFi over cellular data.

For every user that opts in to the Bright Data network, Bright Data pays a monthly fee to the application vendor, who passes that value on to the user by not displaying ads (or by not charging a premium for extra features in some cases).

That provides a much better user experience to the users, and thus the application vendor also enjoys a higher adoption rate of his/her product.

Users choose (opt in) to be a part of the Bright Data network, and may opt out at any time. Bright Data ensures that its application partners are fully compliant with this ‘opt in’ user flow.

View more on our SDK page.