To get started, you need your proxy credentials, your Username and Password along with the Host name. You can find these credentials in the Overview tab of the proxy product.

Code Examples

Once you have your proxy credentials, use the following code to send your first request:

curl "" --proxy --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>:<zone_password>

The code above uses the residential proxy to send a request to It returns your IP information in a JSON format:

  "ip": "ALLOCATED_IP",
  "country": "PK",
  "asn": {
    "asnum": 203020,
    "org_name": "HostRoyale Technologies Pvt Ltd"
  "geo": {
    "city": "Islamabad",
    "region": "IS",
    "region_name": "Islamabad",
    "postal_code": "44040",
    "latitude": 33.7233,
    "longitude": 73.0435,
    "tz": "Asia/Karachi",
    "lum_city": "islamabad",
    "lum_region": "is"

Now, replace “” with the website of your choice and …

That’s it!