How to Configure Your ISP Proxy
Learn how to configure your ISP proxy settings effectively, choose IP types, enable cache proxy, and ensure 100% uptime for optimal performance.
To access your proxy configuration, open your zone in the “Configuration” tab.
IP type
Bright Data offers 3 types of ISP proxies:
A rotating proxy over a pool of ~40,000 proxies, paid by usage GBs.
Shared unlimited
A set of specific proxies, shared with others, with unlimited bandwidth, paid by proxy.
Dedicated unlimited
A set of specific proxies, exlcusive for you, with unlimited bandwidth, paid by proxy.
Shared (rotating) proxy configuration
Default countries selection
When selecting countries in shared pool configuration, we will assign proxies only from the countries you select. You can select none (which meand we will assign the next random proxy from the pool), one or more countries. Read more…
To select a specific country for your peer during rotation, use the flag -country in the proxy user name parameter with an ISO-3166 country code.
FAQ: Where can I see the list of country codes?
Shared & Dedicated unlimited proxy configuration
Number of IPs
For unlimited proxies we offer a discount based on amount of proxies you purchase per zone. The more you buy, less your pay per proxy. Click on the “Rates” link in your zone setup to see rates.
Number of IPs to be allocated as your pool of available IPs.
Country selection
Geolocation targeting allows you to target specific Country
Select the prefered countries from the drop-down menu.
Once selected, we will assign proxies from those countries. If we do not have enough proxies to cover your requirement, we will assign the amount we have and you can submit an order for the full amount of proxies (we do not allow single proxy orders - we will take in large orders only). Changing this selection means re-allocating proxies, which will incur a Refresh charge .
If you select multiple countries, we assign proxies distributed evenly across the countries you selected.
Access your allocated Proxies’ IP addresses
In all proxy types, you can download, view and copy to clipboard the IPs allocated to you by following these steps:
- Navigate to the Zones page.
- Select a zone with allocated IPs.
- In the overview tab click ‘Download’, ‘View’ or ‘Copy’.
Advanced options
Cache proxy
Bright Data’s cache proxy is a feature that aims to reduce the unneeded load from target sites by allowing customers to have their successful results cached on the one hand and, on the other hand, to receive cached results to their requests when possible.
Once proxy cache is selected, we will search thru our cache and if we see a fresh request identical to yours which was issued in the past 2 hours, we will provide the data from it and not from the target website. Cache data is faster to retrieve and we offer some discount when enabling this option. In order to use it, you must install and include our certificate for cache access.
Simply toggle the cache proxy switch
Once switched on, we will walk you through installing our certificate which is required for this feature to work.
Automatic Failover
In case we cannot reach the proxy peer for your request, we will route the request to another available peer. Automatic failover does not apply when you choose default countries: if we cannot find a peer in the country you selected, we will fail the request with error.
Enabling automatic failover assures execution of the request, regardless of the availability of a specific peer.
Special Ports & Protocols
Ports 80
and 443
are available by default, supporting HTTP and HTTPS & SOCKS5 protocols. We also support all ports over 1024
in our ISP proxy network. Read more on ports and protocols…
Zone usage limit
Set usage limit to your zone: you can limit spending or traffic. This provides additional layer of control to your budget and bandwidth consumption, mostly over our rotating shared pool proxies.
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