IP type

Choose one of two IP types for your proxy zone:

Geolocation targeting

Since your IPs are automatically allocated, it is recommended to set up a separate Mobile proxy, for each geolocation you wish to target.

Geolocation targeting allows you to target specific locations based on City, State, Zip code, or ASN. Select the needed parameter from the drop-down menu.

Default countries selection

When selecting countries in shared pool configuration, we will assign proxies only from the countries you select. You can select none (which meand we will assign the next random proxy from the pool), one or more countries. Read more…

To select a specific country for your peer during rotation, use the flag -country in the proxy user name parameter with an ISO-3166 country code.

FAQ: Where can I see the list of country codes?

IP Groups gIPs

Only works with the Dedicated option

gIP contains between 6-90 IPs at any given moment while sharing the same attributes, targeting the selected dedicated domains within the zone “access parameters” section.


Only works with the Dedicated option

Define the domains you’d like your IPs to be exclusive to. Requests to any other domain will be sent from our super proxies.

Advanced options:

Long-session peers: Deprecated

Bright Data used to offer long session peers. This is no longer offerred, account which had zone configured with long session peers will still be able to use them.

To see how to direct requests to explicit proxies, or create a sequence of requests with the same context (session) routed thru the same proxy peer see here: https://docs.brightdata.com/api-reference/proxy/rotate_ips#proxy-and-ip-rotation-control


The following ports are open by default: 80, 443, 8080, 8443, 5678, 1962, 2000, 4443, 4433, 4430, 4444 and 1969.

If you need access to other ports, click “Add ports” and fill out the form. Bright Data’s compliance team will review the request and update you.