There are two methods for adding IPs or domains to a blacklist or whitelist:

  • Via the control panel:

    • Go to any of your zone’s settings, and click the “access parameters” tab.

    • Scroll down to the “IPs” and “target host” sections, as they are both responsible for white/blacklisting IPs and domains, respectively:

    Add all the relevant IPs and domains you’ll allow access to with your proxy zone.

  • Via API endpoints:

  • Important tips re whitelist:

    • IPs that should be whitelisted are your machine’s IPs that you’ll be sending requests with, not the proxy IPs in your zones.

    • We strongly recommend whitelisting your IPs wherever possible, since when the whitelist is empty, you run the risk of getting your non-whitelisted IPs temporarily blocked in the case where our automatic security blocking system detects any irregular activity. See more info within this video.

    • There is no limit on how many IPs/domains you can add to the whitelist and we also support ranges of IPs.

    Example for adding domains:

    • Example for adding IPs: