Fair use

Bright data fair use policy for unlimited zones include a monthly allowance of 100GB per proxy (IP). Fair use allowance for shared or dedicated proxies is the same.

How do we calculate fair use?

We sum up all proxies of the same zone type in an account and calculate the total fair use.

So if for example you have 10 proxies in zone datacenter_zone1 and 5 proxies in datacenter_zone2 your overall fair use will be 1,500 GB, shared across all unlimited zones of data center type.

If, for example, you have additional 2 zones of type ISP, each has 20 proxies (totaling 40 for all your ISP unlimited zones), you will have two “fair use” calculated: 1,500 GB for your data center zones and 4,000 GB for your ISP zones.

Can datacenter zones usage be accounted for ISP fair use and vice versa?

No. Each zone type carries their own fair use and it is only shared across zones of the same type.

What happens to my fair use allowance on the first of the calendar month?

We calculate the fair use every billing cycle on the first of every calendar month, and every month starts with a 0 (Zero) fair use, which accumulates as your stream data through your proxies.

If I use shared proxies, do others’ usage count towards my fair use?

Absolutely not. Only your traffic is counted towards your fair use.

What happens when I exceed my fair use?

We send email alerts when you reach 85% of your fair use and 100% of your fair use. We do not stop your operations, and you will be charged for the data over the fair use allowance with our current “Pay as you go” rate. We consider those charges, exceeding fair use, as “overcharges” and they are marked as such in your billing details.

How do I avoid overcharges?

In order to avoid overcharge:

  1. Plan in advance your usage and purchase enough proxies to cover the fair use.
  2. Track your usage and top-up your account with additional proxies when needed to remain under the fair use.

Bright Data offers affordable plans for unlimited proxies, we recommend having some additional allowance margins for unpredicted surges in bandwidth consumption, and avoid overcharges.

I already incurred overcharges, can I top-up (add proxies) my zones with proxies to reverse it?

Our fair use policy does not allow dismissal or reversal of overcharges once applied. If from some reason you think the overcharge was applied wrongfully, please contact our support and we will gladly assist.

I topped-up (added proxies) to my zone during the month, how am I charged?

The cost of proxies is prorated from the time you added your proxies, but fair use is not.

So if, for example, you added 10 proxies on the 15th of a month within your 30 day billing period, you will pay 50% of the cost of the IPs but your fair use will have 1,000 GB added to your allowance.

I reduced the number of proxies in my zones, how does this impact my fair use allowance?

Every proxy you remove, will immediately reduce your fair use allowance by 100GB. Currently, we do not allow reductions, which will have your account charged with overcharge due to fair use allowance breach.

Does Bright Data offer unlimited residential proxies?
