Webscraper.io Proxy Integration
Learn how to Integrate Webscraper.io with Bright Data proxies.
Webscraper.io extension and Webscraper.io Cloud can be your perfect tool for data extraction. With an easy point-and-click interface scraper gather website data in a few minutes.
With Webscraper.io Cloud, automate scraping tasks completely with scheduler, API, data parser, data export, and more.
Getting started with Webscraper.io
Install Web Scraper browser extension via Chrome Store
Sign up for Webscraper.io Cloud
Subscribe to Scale plan
Open “Proxy Manager” on the left-side toolbar
Create a proxy in Bright Data
Go to your Bright Data Dashboard and click Add Zone
Select a network type and press Add Zone
Back in your Bright Data dashboard, click a Zone name
Take note of your Zone username and password
Switch back to the Web Scraper Cloud Proxy Manager
Choose Bright Data Proxy as the designated Proxy Server
- Input a custom name, the username, and password form Bright Data created zone. If needed, limit your proxy region by selecting a country in the drop-down menu.
Click Add Proxy
The custom proxy will now be listed down below
- To use a proxy for a scraping job, go to “My Sitemaps” from the menu on the left side
- Click Details Page next to the sitemap you want to scrape
- From the Proxy drop-down menu select the created proxy and click Scrape
There you have it - Webscraper.io Cloud will run your scraper via Bright Data Proxy. As easy as that!
Webscraper.io is Not A Bright Data Product
Note: the webscraper.io is not Bright Data Web Scraper API utility - this article refers to the external Webscraper.io integration.
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