Bright Data offers promo codes to save money on your subscription plans. You can get exclusive discounts on specific products or services by applying a promo code. This guide will show you everything you need to know about the promo codes.

The promo codes work with subscription plans only.

How to Apply a Promo Code

To apply a promo code to your subscription plan, follow the steps below:


Go to the Bright Data website

Visit Bright Data page and sign in to your account.


Go to the "Billing" page

Click on the Billing page on the left navigation bar.


Click on "Change Plan"

In Overview tab, click on the Change Plan button.


Select the Subscription

Reminder: The promo codes work with subscription plans only.
Select the subscription plan of your choice and click on the “Upgrade” button.


Enter the Promo Code

To activate the promotion, enter your code in the “Apply promo code” field, then click “Apply.” Once you see confirmation of the promo code’s validity, click “Pay & Confirm Upgrade.”


Congratulations 🎉

You have successfully activated the promo code, and your new discounted rates have been applied to your plan. You can confirm this by going to the “Overview” tab on the “Billing” page, under “Your products” > “All Products,” to view the discounted prices for the relevant product(s).