What is Parsing?

Parsing for SERP API is the process of transforming a raw HTML response into a structured JSON with fields and values of data. This advanced parsing functionality is supported specifically for Google & Bing.

When parsing is activated, data from SERP HTMLs are further structured into usable fields and values (such as, rank, link, title, description, rating, and dozens more fields) enabling you to monitor competitor SERP rankings, analyze keyword trends, and gather valuable market insights.

Send a Basic Parsed Request

The following is the simplest GET parsed request with SERP API using either brd_json=1 OR brd_json=html:

# Returns a single parsed JSON (instead of a raw HTML)

curl --proxy brd.superproxy.io:33335 --proxy-user brd-customer-<customer_id>-zone-<zone_name>:<zone_password> -k "https://www.google.com/search?q=pizza&brd_json=1"
Parsing is supported for both Google and Bing search engines

The above request is a synchronous request (the response is received in real-time). If you are looking to send an asynchronous parsed request see here.

Basic Request - Breakdown

brd.superproxy.ioAddress of our load balancer that will find the fastest Super Proxy for your request
Infrastructure port of our Super Proxies that is used to receive your requests
-user brd-customer-<customer_id> -zone-<zone_name>Username authentication. In its most basic form, it defines your username and what zone you will use for your request.
ZONE_PASSWORDZone password. All zones have passwords that are used for authentication `
brd_json=1Returns parsed JSON instead of raw HTML
brd_json=htmlReturns parsed JSON + full nested HTML

Expected Parsed Output when using brd_json=1

The following is the exact JSON response received when sending the request above:

Next, we will examine a number of the important fields within the parsed JSON data to understand the type of structured data we have to offer.

A Comprehensive Guide to SERP API

At the top of the JSON response, you can find the general field which contains details about the search you ran and also includes the “results count” from the response.

The following fields can be found in the general field

general.search_enginethe search engine used for the search
general.querythe keywords used for the search
general.results_cntthe results count
Google doesn’t display results count for Mobile, so this field is supported only with desktop search results.
general.search_timethe response time to get the results page
general.languagethe language that was set for the search,

Default: hl=en
general.locationthe location that was targeted with the search,(based on the localization and geo-location parameters)
general.mobilethe device the search was performed with (desktop/mobile)
general.search _typethe type of search that was set to the request
general.Page_titleresults page title
general.Code_versionBright data parser version
general.Timestampthe time when the search executed
Input.original_urlthe url used for the search, this url includes all parameters applied for the search.applied for the search.

Starter fields to know

JSON fieldDescription
typeThe field type (site_link, text, rating, etc.)
titleThe text header, mostly the link text.
descriptionThe description under the link
referral_linkRedirection link
imageThis field can contain the image base64 string or the Image url
image_altImage alternative name

Explanation of other fields