Custom CDP Functions
In addition to the standard CDP Functions, Scraping Browser also provides some powerful custom CDP Functions.
Captcha Solver
When navigating a page with Scraping Browser, our integrated CAPTCHA solver automatically solves all CAPTCHAs by default. You can monitor this auto-solving process in your code with the following custom CDP functions.
If you would like to disable CAPTCHA solver entirely through the Control Panel see our feature for Disable Captcha Solver
Once a CAPTCHA is solved, if there is a form to submit, it will be submitted by default.
CAPTCHA Solver - Automatic Solve
CAPTCHA Solver - Manual Control
If you would like to either manually configure or fully disable our default CAPTCHA solver and instead call the solver manually or solve on your own, see the following CDP commands and functionality.
Emulation Functions
Custom Client SSL/TLS Certificates
Use this command to install custom client SSL/TLS certificates where required for specific domain authentication. These certificates are applied for the duration of a single Scraping Browser session and are automatically removed once the session ends.
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